What is satVU?

If you're a programmer, you'll know that almost every company requires you to solve one or more those dreaded coding challenges as part of their technical interview.

The problem is that these coding challenges have gotten pretty difficult over the years (on the level of Leetcode medium/hard), and you have barely any time to complete them! And pretty much none of them have anything to do with the job you'll be doing. When was the last time you had to traverse a matrix of 1's and 0's to see if it connects to the other side?

Unfortunately, these coding challenges are here to stay, so it's important to know how to solve them. This is what we focus on at satVU.

Recognizing the Patterns

Many interview prep sites just run through a bunch of problems and show you the solution. We come at it from a different angle.

Most coding problems are just variations of each other. The easiest way to solve them is to learn how to recognize the patterns. As soon as you see a 2D matrix or an array or a binary tree, you'll already know what the approach will be.

This means that we can build a series of templates that will cover most problems. Of course, it's not just a simple plug and play...templates will need to be tweaked to suit each problem, but once you get the base code working, we're betting that most of the test cases will work. At that point, you may have already passed the interview!

To get the most out of our tutorials, you should already be familiar with the basics of programming, things like loops, data types, dictionaries, queues, stacks, etc. We'll review the basics really quickly, but we won't go into that much detail.

Who are we?

Some background on us: we've conducted thousands of interviews working for companies that specialize in giving technical interviews. Helping candidates solve problems gave us insight into what works and more importantly, what doesn't work during an interview.

Example videos

At satVU, we'll be primarily showing you examples in Java, Python, and C#. We'll have a mix of video and text instruction. These are some example videos introducing C#; we highly recommend Microsoft VSCode.


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